من الأرشيف: هزيمة ألمانيا في الحرب العالمية الثانية من الإتحاد السوفيتي

أرشيف شبكة التأمل الإعلامية

نشر في: السبت,4 مارس , 2017 9:30ص

آخر تحديث: السبت,4 مارس , 2017 1:43م

نستعرض لكم صورٌ تم اختياره من الأرشيف الإخباري والتي تتضمن أحداث الثامن من مايو 1945، حين استسلم نظام هتلر معلنةً إنتهاء الحرب العالمية الثانية حينها أعلن الإتحاد السوفيتي انتصاره في الحرب.

نترككم مع الصور:

Fascinating pictures have emerged illustrating a Red Army soldier's personal account of how Soviet troops stormed the Reichstag in Berlin. An aerial view of the German parliament building is shown after the battle

Striking images from the final days of the Second World War in 1945 show cheering Russian fighters on the steps of the Reichstag in the German capital

The soldier describes how Russian tanks rumbled through the streets. Pictures show Soviet tanks outside the Reichstag

This pictures of the Brandenberg Gate and Unter den Linden boulevard in the wake of the battle is also shown in the book by Russian soldier Vassili J. Subbotin who gives a personal account of the battle of Berlin

Another photo shows the Soviet red flag being raised above the parliament building in an image that has become the enduring symbol of the final defeat of Nazi Germany

Pictures in the book show Berlin in ruins as Russian tanks advanced through the German capital in the final days of the Second World War

Victorious: Russian fighters pose for pictures in front of the Reichstag building after Nazi troops had finally been ordered to surrender

Remarkable pictures from inside the Reichstag show how it was left in ruins after the battle. Messages had been scrawled on some of the grand building's walls and pillars

The soldier's personal account includes photos showing the messages Russian soldiers wrote on the walls of the captured Reichstag

Russian officials, including Marshal Zhukov (centre), inspects the ruined Reichstag in the days after the defeat of Nazi Germany

The Battle of Berlin began on April 16th 1945 but it wasn't until April 28th 1945 when the Soviets first caught sight of the Reichstag. Pictures show Russian soldiers sitting by the bombed out building

The Battle of Berlin began on April 16th 1945 but it wasn't until April 28th 1945 when the Soviets first caught sight of the Reichstag. Pictures show Russian soldiers sitting by the bombed out building

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