بالصور ترامب خلال زيارته لأسطول البحرية الأمريكية

أرشيف شبكة التأمل الإعلامية

نشر في: السبت,4 مارس , 2017 1:00م

آخر تحديث: السبت,4 مارس , 2017 10:52م

أعلن الرئيس الأمريكى دونالد ترامب، خلال زيارة الى حاملة الطائرات الجديدة جيرالد فورد الخميس انه وعد قادة سلاح البحرية بالسعى لتلبية مطلبهم برفع عدد قطع اسطول البحرية من حاملات الطائرات الى 12 حاملة.

وسبق لترامب ان تعهد ب”اعادة بناء الجيش الاميركي” عن طريق زيادة الانفاق العسكرى بصورة كبيرة بعد سنوات من التقشف فى النفقات العسكرية، مشيرا بالخصوص الى انه يريد زيادة عدد قطع الاسطول الأمريكى من 274 سفينة وغواصة وحاملة طائرات حاليا الى 350 فى السنوات المقبلة، ما يمثل زيادة ب40 سفينة بالمقارنة مع الهدف الذى وضعته ادارة اوباما والمتمثل ب310 قطع بحرية.

ولكن الرئيس الجديد لم يكشف حتى عن تفاصيل هذه الزيادة فى عدد القطع البحرية لجهة كيفية توزيعها بين حاملات طائرات وسفن حربية وغواصات

And in a campaign-style flourish, he said he meant to do 'only one thing' if the U.S. has to fight. 'You know what that is?' he asked. 'Win!' came a shouted reply that echoed to the water

And in a campaign-style flourish, he said he meant to do 'only one thing' if the U.S. has to fight. 'You know what that is?' he asked. 'Win!' came a shouted reply that echoed to the water

The president sported a new flight jacket and cap as he toured America's newest nuclear-powered aircraft carrier

The president praised the builders of the USS Gerald R. Ford on Thursday and promised that 'we're going to soon have more coming' 

Trump descended below the deck on an aircraft elevator, appearing next to a helicopter in a dramatic campaign rally-style moment

The effect of Trump's entrance was magician-like as a wall suddenly opened up and Trump descended on a huge platform while 'God Bless the U.S.A.' played

Thousands were gathered to see Trump on Thursday. 'You stand on that deck – you feel like you're standing on a very big piece of land!' he said, calling the ship 'a place'

Trump's flight jacket bore a 'Commander in Chief' patch, and his hat bears the initials 'POTUS' on the rear velcro strapTrump's flight jacket bore a 'Commander in Chief' patch, and his hat bears the initials 'POTUS' on the rear velcro strap

President Donald Trump visited the nuclear aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford at Newport News Shipbuilding in Newport News, Virginia on Thursday, meeting with sailors and shipbuilders – and the late Gerald Ford's daughter Susan Ford Bales (right) before delivering a speech

Leaving his red 'USA' cap behind, Trump said that 'this is a special day. We're wearing this. I have no idea how it looks, but I think it looks good!'

A few thousand people gathered in an aircraft hangar below deck; the Ford is still under construction is due to be delivered to the Navy later this year

President Donald Trump spoke Thursday aboard the USS Gerald R. Ford, a new nuclear-powered aircraft carrier (shown during its 2013 christening ceremony)

'To keep America safe, we must provide the men and women of the United States military with the tools they need to prevent war – if they must – they have to fight and they only have to win,' Trump said in his address to Congress on Tuesday night

The USS Gerald R. Ford  is a $12.9 billion vessel, the first of the Navy's next generation of aircraft carriers

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