بالصور.. “الكرافتة” تحرج دونالد ترامب أمام مستقبليه

أرشيف شبكة التأمل الإعلامية

نشر في: الإثنين,6 مارس , 2017 8:00ص

آخر تحديث: الأحد,5 مارس , 2017 11:29م

تسببت الرياح، فى إحراج الرئيس الأمريكى، دونالد ترامب، أمام مستقبليه فى مدينة أورلاندو بولاية فلوريدا الواقعة جنوب شرق الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

والتقط المصورون، صورا لدونالد ترامب، أثناء عدم استقرار رابطة العنق (كرفتة) على ملابسه مما تسبب فى مشهد محرج لرئيس الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.

اخبار مصر اليوم بالصور.. "الكرافتة" تحرج دونالد ترامب أمام مستقبليه

كرفتة ترامب (1)

كرفتة ترامب (2)

كرفتة ترامب (3)

كرفتة ترامب (4)

كرفتة ترامب (5)

Together forever?: After sporting what appeared to be a new suit and tie during his joint session of Congress on Tuesday, President Donald Trump went back to wearing his favorite red tie on Friday (above) that appears to be held together with scotch tape

Thanks to strong gusts of wind that flipped his tie into the air while disembarking Air Force One at Orlando International Airport on Friday (above), it seems as though the president has opted again to using pieces of the adhesive keep his tie together 

Trump flew to Florida to visit St. Andrew's Catholic School in Orlando on Friday. Above he is pictured waiving while disembarking Air Force One unknowingly showcasing the tape on his red tie

Over the past year, Trump has been photographed several times with his ties flying in the wind exposing the fact that he doesn't use a tie clip, including during his inauguration in January (above)

Just weeks after winning the election, Trump was photographed in front of Vice President-elect Mike Pence (above) disembarking Trump's plane heading to the Carrier Corporation in Indianapolis, Indiana on December 1

Trump left his suit jacket open, surely exposing the fact that his signature red tie was being held together by scotch tape as it flew freely in the wind (above)

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