أعتقال مغني فريق “one direction ” بعد ان ضرب مصور

أرشيف شبكة التأمل الإعلامية

نشر في: الثلاثاء,7 مارس , 2017 9:00ص

آخر تحديث: الإثنين,6 مارس , 2017 10:00م

ألقت شرطة مطار لوس أنجلوس القبض على لويس توملينسون عضر فريق one direction بعد ان دخل في اشتباك بالأيدي مع احد المصورين الصحفيين في المطار.

وذكرت مجلة people الامريكية أن الحادثة وقعت قبل منتصف ليل الجمعة عندما أحاطت مجموعة من الباباراتزي بتوملينسون البالغ من العمر 25 عاما قرب منطقة استلام الحقائب في المطار الذي وصل إليه بصحبة احد أصدقائه بعد رحلة من لاس فيجاس وأضافت المجلة نقلا عن تقرير للشرطة أن أحد المصورين سقط وقال إنه تعرض لإصابة.

وفي تفاصيل الحادث ان مجموعة من مصوري الباباراتزي  قبل منتصف ليل الجمعة أحاطوا بتوملينسون في المطار  قرب منطقة استلام الحقائب في المطار الذي وصل إليه بصحبة صديقة بعد رحلة من لاس فيغاس.، وانتهى الأمر بسقوط أحد المصورين وقال إنه تعرض لإصابة.

وقال المحامي مارتن سينجر لصحيفة Telegraph البريطانية “الباباراتزي أثار وتسبب في الشجار الذي وقع مع لويس”، ووجهت لـ توملينسون اتهامات بارتكاب جنحة تعدي دون سلاح وأفرج عنه بكفالة قدرها 20 ألف دولار، ومن المقرر أن يمثل أمام محكمة في 29 مارس المقبل.

وقد شارك لويس توملينسون، مؤخرا صورة مولوده الجديد مع متابعيه على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي، ونشر صاحب الـ 25 عاما صورة له مع مولوده الذكر الجديد من حبيبته خبيرة الأزياء بريانا جانجويرث، عبر حسابه على موقع Twitter.

وظهر توملينسون في الصورة التي نشرها بالأبيض والأسود وهو يحتضن ابنه، وعلق عليها: “قابلوا طفلي الصغير، فريدي”.

Rage: This is the moment Louis accosts a photographer after he takes pictures of the star and his girlfriend

'Stop taking pictures': Furious Louis appears to grab the snapper in a bid to make him stop

Up close: The star then leans into the face of the photographer to let him know how he feels

Defiant: The photographer ignores Louis and continues to take photos of his girlfriend

Bust-up: As the photographer moves through the airport, Louis then appears to fall into him

Collision: As Louis tries to run to help his girlfriend who was in a fight with a fan, he trips into the snapper

Man down: The photographer falls on to the floor and holds his head in agony after the collision

Duty-bound: Louis doesn't stop to see if he is OK because he is so keen to help his girlfriend

Get away from my girlfriend: Louis grabs the fan (in the grey top) around the midriff before taking her down. Louis' girlfriend (in a blue tracksuit) is pushed against the wall

Brawl: This is the moment Louis wrestles the female fan (in the grey top) away from his girlfriend (in the blue tracksuit)

Pulled apart: Members of security staff grab Louis and prise him away from the fan who is on the floor in the grey top

Altercation: Louis' hoody is pulled off as the security staff pull him away and the fan stands up yelling

Aftermath: Furious Louis follows his girlfriend to the corner of the room after the bust-up

Fury: The singer looks back at the female fan who fought with his girlfriend as he goes to check on her

Arrested: Louis Tomlinson, 25, was led away by police officers at Los Angeles Airport

'Socked': This is the fan who claimed Louis Tomlinson threw her to the floor and 'socked' her

'He's going to jail': This is the moment the fan smiled as she said she would press charges

Upset: Louis looked forlorn as he was escorted from the airport with his hand in the pocket of his blue hoody

Fuming: The One Direction star appeared distressed as he walked from the airport escorted by police

Fan girl: This the woman (right) who claims that Louis threw her to the floor and hit her at baggage reclaim 

Chatting: The young woman talked to her friend as they say down near police after the altercation

Forlorn: Louis's girlfriend Eleanor looked upset as she was escorted from the airport by policeEleanor Calder being escorted from the aiport

Eyes down: Eleanor refused to look at cameras as she kept her hat covering her face

Questioning: Louis was taken aside by police who wanted to ask him a few questions at the aiport

Heading off: Louis was escorted by police with his hood up and his hands in his pockets

Sad: The One Direction singer, who has recently been working on solo music, left the airport looking downHooded: Louis made his way from the airport

Concerned: Louis looked through a window at the airport, perhaps looking for his other half 

Checking up on her: The star appeared to have been questioned separately from Eleanor

Watching on: Young fans of Louis watched as he was escorted through the airport by police

Discussions: There was a heavy police presence at the airport in the wake of the incident

Questions: The friend of the fan who claims she was hit by Louis spoke with police

Explanation: It appeared that one police officer was describing the incident to her colleage

On duty: Police officers stand by the door to baggage claim at LAX airport

Papped off! Louis Tomlinson was arrested after getting caught in airport bust-up with photographers at LAX

Arrest: The official record shows Louis was apprehended at 11.45pm on Friday night

'Upset': The One Direction start was said to have been very unhappy when then photographer did not put his camera down 

Eleanor (pictured with Louis in 2013), 24,  is thought to have got involved in an argument with onlookers who began filming the row

Global superstars: Louis Tomlinson (far right) joined One Direction in 2010 and is believed to be worth £40million

Happier times: The pair, who he previously dated for four years until March 2015, cosying up together at a fashion show in 2013 

Explosive: A One Direction fan has claimed Louis Tomlinson accidentally 'socked her in the face' and knocked her to the ground during an 'altercation' at LAX airport on Friday night

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