شاهدو الفرق بين حفل تنصيب ترامب مقارنة بتنصيب أوباما ؟

أرشيف شبكة التأمل الإعلامية

نشر في: الأربعاء,8 مارس , 2017 10:30ص

آخر تحديث: الثلاثاء,7 مارس , 2017 9:54م

تحدث الرئيس ترمب في اتصال هاتفي مع القائم بأعمال مدير دائرة الحدائق الوطنية، بعد يوم من تنصيبه، لسؤاله عن الشخص الذي شارك على موقع «تويتر» صورتين إحداهما لحشد تنصيب أوباما وأخرى للحفل الأخير لتنصيب ترمب. وفق ما أفد به السكرتير الصحافي للرئيس الأميركي.

من جهّتها، قالت سارة هاكابي ساندرز، المتحدثة باسم البيت الأبيض مساء الثلاثاء، «ما الذي يحدث؟» وتابعت: لماذا غرّدت دائرة الحدائق الوطنية مقارنة بين الصورتين؟ هنا «كانت المشكلة».
سأل ترمب خلال اتصاله، مايكل ت رينولدز مدير دائرة الحدائق الوطنية بالوكالة، طالبا منه إن كان باستطاعته أن ينتج المزيد من صور مراسم تنصيبه لرؤية حجم الحشود التي شاركت في المناسبة. حسبما ذكر شخص آخر كان لدى الحديث الهاتفي الذي دار بين ترمب والقائم بأعمال مدير دائرة الحدائق الوطنية.
وحسبما جاء في صحيفة «نيويورك تايمز»، فقد أعرب ترمب منذ توليه الرئاسة، مرارًا وتكرارًا عن غضبه من وسائل الإعلام، لقناعته أنّها تحاول عمدًا تقويض شرعيته بحجم الحشد الذي حضر لدى أدائه يمين القسم.
تعتبر حادثة استخدام موقع «تويتر» الخاص بدائرة الحدائق الوطنية للتغريد، واحدة من الحالات التي حصلت يوم تنصيب ترمب، حين غرّد موظف بصورتين للمقارنة بين الحشود التي أمّت المكان يوم تنصيب الرئيس باراك أوباما في 2009 وبين يوم تنصيب ترمب قي 2017، نشر مراسل «نيويورك تايمز» النسخة الأصلية للصورتين، مظهرًا من خلال الصورة كمية الحشود في 2009.
وأعرب شون سبايسر السكرتير الصحافي لترمب، عن غضب في اليوم التالي خلال بيان قوي في البيت الأبيض هاجم الصحافة مدعيًا أن المقارنة غير دقيقة، وأن ترمب قد استقطب العدد الأكبر من الحشود لدى تنصيبه بما لم يشهده أي رئيس من قبل. وقال سبايسر في تصريحات لاحقة، إنّه كان يعني بكلامه عن العدد الأكبر، أن ترمب استطاع لدى تنصيبه استحضار أكبر عدد من الذين أموّا المكان لمشاهدة الحدث ومتابعته، والذين تابعوا الحدث على شاشات التلفزة والإنترنت.
وفي صباح ذلك اليوم، قبل إدلاء سبايسر البيان، تلقى رينولدز رسالة من البيت الأبيض تفيد بأنّ الرئيس يريد التحدث إليه.
The National Park Service on Monday released dozens of photographs of President Donald Trump's inauguration (above)
The photos show that Barack Obama's first inauguration from 2009 (above) far outstripped the number of people who attended Trump's inauguration
Obama's inauguration in 2009
Obama's inauguration in 2013
Trump's inauguration in 2017
The above images shows large swaths of empty space on the National Mall for Trump's inauguration. It was taken at 11:51am on January 20, 2017
The above image is a zoom-in shot of Capitol Hill and its immediate surroundings. It was also taken at 11:51am. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
The above image showing a helicopter flying over the National Mall during Trump's inauguration was taken at 11:54am
The image above was taken at 12:05pm. It offers a zoom-in shot of Capitol Hill and the US Capitol Grounds. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
The camera zooms out a bit and snaps this image at 12:05pm. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
Trump falsely claimed that the crowd stretched all the way back to the Washington Monument. The image above shows Capitol Hill and Capitol Grounds from a side angle. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
The Trump administration accused the press of distorting the images from the inauguration crowds in order to minimize the number of those in attendance. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
The accusations prompted media agencies like BuzzFeed to file a Freedom of Information Act request for the National Park Service to release official photos of the event. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
Since the 1990s, the National Park Service has stopped taking crowd estimates for the inauguration. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
That means that visual evidence like the photograph above is the only indicator of approximate crowd size at inaugurations. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
While there are no time stamps, the photos clearly show crowds gathering near the Capitol's West Front stage for the ceremony. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
White House press secretary Sean Spicer claimed that news media photos of the inauguration were 'intentionally framed in a way...to minimize the enormous support that had gathered on the National Mall'. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
The image above shows the Capitol in the distance. The park service photos are from a variety of angles, both from the air and on the ground. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
Trump delivered a populist rallying call to Americans who felt left behind enough to send a non-politician to do the most powerful job on earth, after he was sworn in. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
'I will fight for you with every breath in my body,' he pledged. 'And I will never, ever let you down'. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
Trump promised 'America first' would become the central organizing principle around which his government is organized. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
'We will follow two simple rules. Buy American and hire American,' Trump declared. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
At 1,453 words, his inaugural address was the shortest since Jimmy Carter's in 1977. His slogans were just as tight. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
'Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration on foreign affairs, will be made to protect American workers and American families,' he said. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
Trump's oath of office – which he called 'an oath of allegiance to all Americans' – was marred by a protester blowing a whistle and another handful shouting muffled slogans in the distance. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
But the moment passed. Trump spoke his vows. And America had a new leader. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
What Trump left out of his teleprompter-aided remarks was just as obvious as what he kept in. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
This aerial shot was taken of the western part of the National Mall that lies between the Lincoln Memorial (as seen above) and the Washington Monument (not seen). The World War Two Memorial is seen on the bottom and the Lincoln Memorial Reflective Pool is seen right above it on January 20, 2017
Asked if Trump hit the right tones of contrition, Senator John McCain of Arizona told DailyMail.com: 'I just think it was a continuation of his campaign'. The above image is an aerial shot of Trump's inauguration in 2017
Photos taken during Obama's 2009 inauguration (like the one above) showed substantially more people on the Mall than during Trump's swearing-in
The overflowing crowds extended to nearby streets and intersections. Unofficial estimates from 2009 indicated that approximately 1.8million people were on hand to witness the inauguration in person
This photo was taken from the Independence Avenue side of the National Mall on January 20, 2009
This aerial photograph taken from the eastern side of the Capitol shows the entire National Mall during Obama's inauguration in 2009
The television viewership of Obama's first inauguration in 2009 (above) was an estimated 37 million Americans
Crowds are seen gathered around the Washington Monument during Obama's inauguration in 2009
Though significantly smaller than the inauguration in 2009, the 2013 inauguration attendance (above) nonetheless appears to be larger than that of Trump's inauguration

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