بالصور …مهرجان البوريم لليهود عيد لذكرى الخلاص من الإمبراطورية الفارسية

أرشيف شبكة التأمل الإعلامية

نشر في: السبت,18 مارس , 2017 9:40ص

آخر تحديث: الأحد,19 مارس , 2017 10:33ص

يحتفل الإسرائيليون بعيد المساخر “بوريم” الذي يعتبر العيد اليهودي الأكثر حيوية وشعبية، اليوم، والذي يستمر حتى غروب شمس الخميس في معظم إسرائيل، ويرمز هذا العيد في الأساس لانتصار الشعب اليهودي، حيث يحيي ذكرى إنقاذ اليهود من الإبادة أيام الإمبراطورية الفارسية، إذ يخلد عيد المساخر الأحداث التي يتم وصفها في “سفر إستير” التوراتي.

وعلى مر السنين أصبح عيد المساخر يُذكر بخلاص اليهود وإفشال مؤامرة الإبادة التي دبرها هامان، كبير الوزراء في الإمبراطورية الفارسية، الذي أوعز الملك الفارسي أحشويروش بذبح جميع اليهود في الإمبراطورية؛ إلا أن إستير اليهودية، زوجة الملك، استطاعت أن تنقذ اليهود وتفتك بهامان.

ومن الشعائر الخاصة بالعيد، أن يصوم اليهود اليوم الذي يسبق عيد المساخر ويعرف هذا اليوم بـ”صوم إستير” ويمتد الصوم من الفجر حتى غروب الشمس، وتتلى خلاله صلوات خاصة، كما تقرأ نصوص من التوراة في نطاق الصلاة التي تقام .

وبعد غروب الشمس تقام صلوات احتفالية في المعبد، يتلى خلالها سفر إستير بصوت مرتفع، وخلال تلاوة السفر، كلما ورد اسم هامان، يقوم المصلون بإثارة الضوضاء، بأعلى صوت، على قدر المستطاع، بهدف التشويش على اسمه، ويفرض سفر إستير على اليهود تبادل الهدايا خاصةً للفقراء وإقامة مأدبة احتفالية بعد ظهر يوم العيد.

ومن التقاليد اليهودية، وخاصة لدى الأطفال، أن يأتوا إلى المعبد وهم يرتدون الملابس التنكرية، فيما تعد المعجنات الصغيرة من أشهر الأطعمة التي يتناولها اليهود خلال هذا العيد وهي مثلثة الشكل محشوة بالخشخاش أو بحشوات أخرى معروفة باسم “آذان هامان”.

A boy dressed in costume takes part in a parade marking the Jewish holiday of Purim. The festival usually falls in March and is celebrated on the 14th and 15th days of Adar in the Jewish calendar

Jewish settlers celebrate Purim with a festival where people dressed up as clowns in the West Bank city of Hebron

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men take part in the reading from the Book of Esther ceremony in a synagogue in Ashdod, Israel

A little boy dresses up as a soldier during a Purim festival in in Bnei Brak, near Tel Aviv

The festival was full of political statements with some adults carrying signs that with pro-Israel and anti-Palestine messages

People wear zombie make-up and outfits as they participate in the Zombie Walk through the streets of Tel Aviv

An Ultra-Orthodox Jewish child wears a President Donald Trump's mask as their costume for Purim in Tel Aviv

A family dressed in costumes takes part in the annual parade, marking the Jewish holiday of Purim in Ashkelon, Israel

Ivanka Trump makes hamentashen cookies with her two oldest children Arabella and Joseph before Purim

A woman dressed up as popcorn walks down the street in in Williamsburg, Brooklyn for the Purim festival Sunday

Jewish men share cups of wine for Purim in Brooklyn. Purim celebrates the Jews' salvation from genocide in ancient Persia

A woman wears colorful sunglasses in celebration of the Purim festival in Brooklyn

A boy, in costume as a mummy for the Jewish celebration of Purim, leads his pet goat out of a Brooklyn bakery

A boy wears a brightly colored wig and costume while chewing a candy cigarette to celebrate Purim in  Brooklyn

Three London schoolchildren are dressed up in Elizabethan outfits to celebrate the Jewish festival of Purim. The celebrations usually take place in March and children are encouraged to dress up on the day. The girls are pictured wearing brown dresses, flecked with gold embroidery, lacy ruffs and tiaras in their coiffed hair

Two girls and two boys dressed up as buckets of popcorn to celebrate Purim. They are all wearing red berets to complete the costume. Purim celebrates the defeat of the Persian king's advisor, Haman, by a beautiful queen, Esther

Two boys became a pilot and an astronaut for the day. The pilot leans casually on a car in the street while his friend adjusts his space helmet. In the story of Purim, Haman plotted to wipe out all the Jews 2,500 years ago

A large family walk to the synagogue. While the parents are dressed in traditional orthodox attire, their children are dressed up like clowns. They are wearing multicolored dresses with a bright red bow, red tights and crazy wigs. The schoolchildren also carried balloons that look like they've been splattered with paint

A father and daughter dressed as the globe and a pilot pose outside their Stamford Hill home as celebrations got underway. Jews traditionally fast on the evening before Purim, but on the day of the festival they feast. The Feldman family placed two suitcases outside their house filled with sweet treats like Bendicks Mint Crisps

A costumed family pose for a photograph. They are dressed up as a pilot, Little Red Riding Hood, a scarecrow, a member of the Queen's guard and an athlete (left to right)

Two girls dressed as Japanese geishas stroll down a street in Stamford Hill. They are wearing pink floral kimonos a pink-under top and a parasol decorated with drawings of cherry blossom. In her right hand, the younger sister is clutching a wrapped present

A group of boys walk together in matching costumes. They are wearing hats that look like those worn by marching bands in American high schools. They are also wearing matching tabards, which have a house and some Hebrew writing on them

An Orthodox Jew wears a multi-coloured Spodik with his friend who is wearing a striped rainbow cowboy hat

Two girls dressed as clowns walk down the street. One of them is clutching a bag of sweets

A little girl also dresses up like a bucket of popcorn, wearing a pair of bright yellow tights underneath. On Purim, families traditionally exchange gifts and feast together, eating hamantaschen, biscuits that are filled with poppy seeds or jam

A young man dresses appropriately for today's drizzly London weather in a suit made out of bubble wrap

A bear and a panda talk together as they cross the street

The two geishas show off their bows on the back of their kimonos as they walk down the street, passing a man in a traditional Shtreimel hat. Purim usually falls in March and is celebrated on the 14th and 15th days of Adar in the Jewish calendar

A girl dressed up as the statue of liberty walks down the road with one who is dressed in traditional Scottish tartan walk. Behind them is a younger girl who appears to be dressed like Pippi Longstocking

Pictured right, a boy dresses up as a marauding Viking, complete with added dirt and a drawn-on beard

A father crosses the road with his three sons who are all dressed up. They are dressed as a sailor, an astronaut and a king. But even though they are wearing elaborate costumes, they have wrapped up warm in puffed jackets

The two geishas pose with their parasols again. On Purim, the whole family goes to the synagogue where they hear a retelling of the ancient story

A little girl is dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood. She is sitting on a wooden bench in a red cape, gingham dress with a white apron and cap

Pictured, two girls dressed in Victorian clothes reminiscent of Little Bo Peep

A proud father holds his children's hands outside their home in Stamford Hill, London. While he wears traditional clothes, his sons are dressed as a soldier and an orange. His daughter is dressed up like a rag doll and is wearing a blue polka dot dress with stripy tights

A girl dressed up as a rag doll chats animatedly to her friend who appears to be dressed up like Queen Elsa from Disney's Frozen. Behind, their parents watch on

A father in orthodox clothing leads his children towards the synagogue. Two of his children clutch sunflowers while two others straggle behind, holding hands

A large group of Jewish people gather in a synagogue on Purim. A little boy dressed as a crayon demands something from his father. The fancy dress is at odds with the traditional garb of Orthodox Jews

A young Jewish boy leans against the wall and reads a book as everyone gathers to be together on Purim. Even though he looks like he is a teenager, the boy is not dressed up

A father was seen with his two children, who were dressed as a lion and a bear, as the family took part in the celebrations

Meanwhile, children in Stamford Hill, north London, were seen dressed up in a variety of different characters, including a race car driver, a member of the army and animals

Part of the festivities include people joining together to sing songs and commemorate the foiling of a plot to massacre the Jewish people 2,500 years ago

A father and daughter dressed as the globe and a pilot pose outside their Stamford Hill home as celebrations got underway. Jews traditionally fast on the evening before Purim, but on the day of the festival they feast. The Feldman family placed two suitcases outside their house filled with sweet treats like Bendicks Mint Crisps

Two girls dressed as Japanese geishas stroll down a street in Stamford Hill. They are wearing pink floral kimonos a pink-under top and a parasol decorated with drawings of cherry blossom. In her right hand, the younger sister is clutching a wrapped present

A group of boys walk together in matching costumes. They are wearing hats that look like those worn by marching bands in American high schools. They are also wearing matching tabards, which have a house and some Hebrew writing on them

They were later seen jumping around outside while some of their fellow comrades were seen climbing on to a float before the parade

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