بالصور .. ساعة الأرض تغرق مدن العالم في ظلام دامس (سيدني – أستراليا)

أرشيف شبكة التأمل الإعلامية

نشر في: الأحد,26 مارس , 2017 9:00ص

آخر تحديث: الأحد,26 مارس , 2017 3:34م

باشرت سيدني اطفاء انوارها في اطار مبادرة “ساعة الأرض” التي انطلقت قبل عشر سنوات بهدف تسليط الضوء على الاحترار المناخي الذي ما زالت مكافحته تتطلب بذل الكثير من الجهود.

وقد غرقت دار الاوبرا الشهيرة في سيدني في الظلمة وكذلك الجسر الذي يعلو مرفأ المدينة.

ومن نيويورك الى باريس ستطفئ مدن ومعالم ونصب شهيرة انوارها للتذكير بضرورة التحرك لمكافحة التغير المناخي.

وقال ايد غيليرت (24 عاما) وهو طالب من سيدني “انا ادعم هذا المفهوم مئة في المئة”.

واضاف “قد يحاول الناس التغاضي عن فكرة ان التغير المناخي يحصل الان. ومن الايجابي ان نرى المدينة ترص الصفوف من اجل دعم” المبادرة.

وكانت مدينة سيدني بالذات شهدت ولادة النسخة الاولى من “ساعة الارض” في العام 2007 قبل ان تستحيل هذه المبادرة ظاهرة عالمية الان

Sydney's Opera House and the Harbour Bridge plunged into darkness to mark Earth Hour on Saturday night, but it seems thousands of others didn't get the memo. Pictured, the city, seen from Milsons Point, before (above) and during Earth Hour (below) 

Sydney's Opera House and the Harbour Bridge plunged into darkness to mark Earth Hour on Saturday night, but it seems thousands of others didn't get the memo. Pictured, the city, seen from Milsons Point, before (above) and during Earth Hour (below) 

Pictures show  commercial and residential buildings neighbouring the famous Sydney landmarks failed to follow suit. Above, the city's skyline is pictured during Earth Hour

The event originated in Sydney in 2007 with 2.2 million people and 2,100 businesses switching off their lights for an hour in a bid to highlight global warming. The above photo shows the Sydney Harbour Bridge before Earth Hour, while the below snap was taken during the event

The event originated in Sydney in 2007 with 2.2 million people and 2,100 businesses switching off their lights for an hour in a bid to highlight global warming. The above photo shows the Sydney Harbour Bridge before Earth Hour, while the below snap was taken during the event

Despite the apparent lack of fervour for the event, conservation group WWF, which organises Earth Hour, seemed delighted with the outcome

Homes and businesses were also being asked to join in, and individuals could commit to the cause on Facebook. This photo shows the rides at Luna Park before and during the event

Homes and businesses were also being asked to join in, and individuals could commit to the cause on Facebook. This photo shows the rides at Luna Park before and during the event

The world-famous Sydney Opera House is seen as its lights were switched off for 60 minutes on Saturday night

A combination photo shows the Sydney Opera House before and during the tenth anniversary of Earth Hour

A combination photo shows the Sydney Opera House before and during the tenth anniversary of Earth Hour

This combo shows photos of the ferris wheel at Luna Park and Sydney Harbour Bridge before (top) being plunged into darkness (bottom)

From Australia, the event is moving westward through Asia, and will also be marked throughout Africa, Europe and the Americas

Earth Hour does not collect global statistics on the energy conserved during the 60-minute blackout, with the event having a more symbolic intent

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