بالصور.. اشتباكات بين معارضى ومؤيدى ترامب فى مظاهرات ب150 ولاية أمريكية

أرشيف شبكة التأمل الإعلامية

نشر في: الأحد,16 أبريل , 2017 7:12م

آخر تحديث: الأحد,16 أبريل , 2017 7:12م

تجمع الآلاف السبت فى مدن أمريكية عدة، مطالبين الرئيس دونالد ترامب بالتصريح عن مداخيله وضرائبه، وهو ما يرفض رجل الأعمال القيام به.

فى بيركلى، على خليج سان فرانسيسكو، وقعت مشاجرات فى إحدى الحدائق بين مؤيدين للرئيس ومعارضين له، وألقى القبض على 21 شخصاً، وفقاً لصحيفة “لوس أنجلوس تايمز“.

ونقلت شبكة “سى إن إن” عن متحدثة باسم شرطة بيركلى قولها “سنشاهد (أشرطة) فيديو المراقبة، وتلك التى صوّرها شهود وأرسلوها إلينا، وربما نُصدر مذكّرات توقيف”.

فى واشنطن، تحديداً فى محيط مبنى الكابيتول، تجمع آلاف المتظاهرين من مختلف الأعمار رافعين لافتات كتب عليها “ماذا تخفي؟” أو “الرجال الحقيقيون يدفعون ضرائبهم”، وتقدّم التجمع مجسّم لترامب على شكل دجاجة عملاقة تعبيراً عن الشخصية المتوترة التى يُتّهم بها الرئيس الأمريكى.

فى نيويورك، شارك الآلاف فى مسيرة أيضاً، وحصلت تجمعات أخرى فى فيلادلفيا وبوسطن وسياتل وسان فرانسيسكو ولوس أنجلوس وفى مختلف أنحاء الولايات المتحدة.

Trump supporters face off against protesters with smoke from a smoke bomb at Milvia St. and Center St. in Berkeley

An aerial view of the chaos in Berkeley shows how demonstrators  left Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park, where the fighting began, and walked along Berkeley streets closely followed by police

A Trump supporter bleeds after being hit by a counter protester. Dozens of police officers in riot gear were standing nearby

An anti-Trump protester flees from an oncoming charge of Trump supporters on Center St. in Berkeley Saturday afternoon

A police officer detains a pro-Trump demonstrator as groups of Trump supporters and detractors clash in Berkeley, California

Pepper spray was used by both sides of the clash which broke out early Saturday and continued through the afternoon

A Trump supporter wrapped in a Trump flag and a shirt that says he is a proud supporter of the Muslim ban looks on as fights break out 

When the violence erupted in Berkeley they were quickly able to arrest one man (not pictured), and soon others were arrested as several fistfights broke out

Trump supporters charge against anti-Trump protestors amid smoke from a smoke bomb that was thrown into the crowd

A Trump supporter gets creative when he throws spoonfuls of scalding beans towards protesters rallying against the president

Fist fights broke out among members of both groups on the streets around Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park, where pro-Trump supporters had scheduled a rally. Fireworks and smoke bombs were thrown into the crowd, and a few demonstrators were doused with pepper spray

A bloodied demonstrator is seen after a brawl broke out between conservatives and demonstrators in opposition to U.S. President Donald Trump

One of the anti-Trump demonstrators was detained by police officers in Berkeley as fights broke out around her 

An anti-Trump demonstrator wears all black and burns an American flag handkerchief during the protest in Berkeley

A conservative demonstrator peacefully chants toward a group of counter-demonstrators during the rally 

A man takes a hit in the back with a pole which was being used as a makeshift weapon after actual weapons were banned from entering the area

An anti-Trump protester is seen being pulled from one of many fistfights that had broken out between the two protesting groups 

A woman gets milk poured in her eyes after getting sprayed with a chemical irritant, which was most likely tear gas

A Trump supporter (L) who is wearing a body camera assists an injured man who was beaten up as multiple fights continue to break out

A man crouching for cover (C) gets hit with a bike lock as protesters use anything they have for makeshift weapons in the brawl 

A Trump supporter runs at counter-protesters while pepper spray flies at him from an unknown source

A Trump protester holds a sign that compares the president to a Nazi as the fights break out around him in Berkeley

A pro-Donald Trump supporter is taken into custody by police during the competing demonstrations as dozens are arrested for displays of violence 

A man pulls a knife in the crowd of protesters as things escalate between pro and anti-Donald Trump protesters in Berkeley

A bloodied Trump supporter yells as multiple fights break out between Trump supporters and anti-Trump protesters in Berkeley

Hundreds of people with opposing opinions on President Donald Trump threw stones, lit fires, tossed explosives and tear gas and attacked each other with makeshift weapons as police stood by

A man with spiked rings clenches his fists as he enters an area where hundreds of protesters on each side of the political spectrum fight one another 

Berkeley Police tweeted a picture some of the weapons that they have confiscated throughout the day as violence plagues the California city

A woman is pepper-sprayed in the face as Tax Marchers fight with pro-Trump protesters at the 'Patriots Day' rally for free speech on Saturday 

Another aerial view shows what is occurring in Berkeley as pro- and anti-Trump demonstrators clash

An injured man lies on the pavement as another injured man (R), bloodied from a brawl, walks away from the madness 

Demonstrators left the park eventually and walked along the streets of Berkeley when the fights started to break out

A man is hit over the head with a Trump flag as fights break out between two opposing political protest groups and police stand by 

A man was left bloodied after beaing hit over the head by a Trump flag in one of many fights that broke out between Trump supporters and anti-Trump protesters in Berkeley

Anti and pro-Donald Trump protesters clash during the Patriots Day Free Speech Rally and look ready to punch each other. Many of the pro-Trump protesters showed up wearing helmets

Members of the California III Percent provide security at the Patriots day 'free speech' rally which turned violent early on Saturday

Members of the California III Percent provide security at the Patriots day 'free speech' rally which turned violent early on Saturday

Members of an alt-Right group called the 'Oath Keepers' also provided security during the rally

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