بالصور.. شاهد قاعدة عسكرية روسية عجيبة فى القطب الشمالى تظهر لأول مرة

أرشيف شبكة التأمل الإعلامية

نشر في: الأحد,23 أبريل , 2017 11:24ص

آخر تحديث: الأحد,23 أبريل , 2017 11:24ص

عرضت وزارة الدفاع الروسية لأول مرة صور خاصة للقاعدة العسكرية الخاصة بها فى القطب الشمالى، حيث يعيش فيها الجنود الروس بالرغم من البرد القارس

وتتواجد القاعدة الروسية فى جزيرة أرخبيل بالقطب الشمالى، وهى تابعة لأسطول الشمال، وتتكون من تصميم رائع ومجهزة بغرف معيشة للأفراد العسكريين، وغرف للضابط وطعام وصالة ألعاب رياضية وسينما وقاعات للحفلات.

وأطلقت وزارة الدفاع الروسية مشروع جولة تفاعلية افتراضية عبر الإنترنت لقاعدة عسكرية روسية متواجدة في منطقة القطب الشمالي.

وأعلنت وزارة الدفاع الروسية، أن المشروع التفاعلي الإفتراضي يكشف البنية التحتية للقاعدة العسكرية الروسية في الواقعة على جزيرة  أرخبيل “أرض فرانس جوزيف” في بحر بارنتس في منطقة القطب الشمالي. وكشفت وزارة الدفاع الروسية أن القاعدة العسكرية تحتوي على مستودعات خاصة تابعة للجيش الروسي، ومرائب للعربات والاليات العسكرية.

بالإضافة الى ذلك تحتوي القاعدة العسكرية الروسية على مراكز تحكم واتصال، ومخازن متعددة الإستعمال. وتتميز القاعدة بإجراءات صعبة وسرية من حيث الدخول اليها والخروج منها.

وأعلنت وزرارة الدفاع الروسية أن المشروع الذي تم اطلاقه هو متوفر لجميع العسكريين الروس، وسيتم إعطاء الحق الدخول وزيارة المشروع عبر الإنترنت لكل جندي أو عسكري مهتم بالتعرف على ظروف حياة الأفراد في تلك المنطقة.

كما يظهر المشروع تفاصيل حياة المجندين (غرف نوم، قالعة الطعام، قاعة الحفلات وصالة الرياضة وغيرها) وخدمتهم العسكرية في القاعدة الواقعى في القطب الشمالي


The triangular complex, painted in the red, white and blue of the Russia's tricolor flag, has been built in remote Alexandra Land in the Franz Josef Archipelago

While parts of the base remain top secret, military chiefs have offered a glimpse at the interior of the building

Russia's President Vladimir Putin (centre) visited the Nagurskoye military airfield on Alexandra Land Island in late March

The Russian military base has been built in remote Alexandra Land in the Arctic Ocean's Franz Josef Archipelago

Russian servicemen in white outfits guard an area at the Nagurskoye military base in Alexandra Land. Moscow is also starting to build nuclear icebreakers as it vies for dominance in the polar region with traditional rivals Canada, the United States, and Norway as well as newcomer China

The military outpost was built as Russia continued to flex its muscles in the Arctic which is believed to hold billions of barrels of oil

Officials have said they may deploy military jets at the outpost. MiG-31 fighters, designed to shoot down long-range bombers, or the SU-34, are seen as options

Interviews with officials and military analysts and reviews of government documents show Russia's military build-up in the Arctic is the biggest since the 1991 Soviet fall

The Arctic, the U.S. Geological Survey estimates, holds oil and gas reserves equivalent to 412 billion barrels of oil, about 22 percent of the world's undiscovered oil and gas

Pictures show the construction of the five-storey base, which has been installed in remote Alexandra Land in the Franz Josef Archipelago

The five-storey complex, named Nagursky by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, is on the extreme north of Russia's Arctic frontier

Officials have said they may deploy military jets at the base. But there is also a small wooden church at the site (pictured)

The facility also comes complete with a cinema, table tennis and billiards rooms while a military art studio is also planned

The impressive photographs have revealed what life is like on the base - and even shows the long haired dogs taking up residence there

Russian Northern Fleet's Arctic mechanised infantry brigade conducts military exercises to learn how to ride a reindeer sled

At a reindeer farm near the Lovozero settlement, the heavily wrapped up and camouflaged soldiers undergo intense training 

One of the members of the infantry brigade gets to know his dog during the training exercise near the Lovozero settlement

The reindeer powered special forces wrap up warm against the elements as they seek to claim the region's huge oil and gas reserves

Reconnaissance unit members and their reindeer battle through thick snow as they aim at their targets 

As well as the military base, Russia is building three nuclear icebreakers, including the world's largest, to bolster its fleet of around 40 breakers, six of which are nuclear

The complex is part of a huge Russian military build-up in the Arctic. Russia's Northern Fleet, based near Murmansk in the Kola Bay's icy waters, is also due to get its own icebreaker, its first, and two ice-capable corvettes armed with cruise missiles

Russian servicemen guard an area at the Nagurskoye military base in Alexandra Land on the remote Arctic islands of Franz Josef Land in late March

The Russian Defense Ministry has offered a rare glimpse at the military complex. Vladimir Putin visited the area late last month

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