فيديو حادث قوي لجيب في الشارع السريع

أرشيف شبكة التأمل الإعلامية

نشر في: الأربعاء,10 مايو , 2017 5:51م

آخر تحديث: الأربعاء,10 مايو , 2017 5:51م

The driver of a white Jeep (far right) was miraculously left standing on his two feet after a car crash captured on camera

Pictured left, the moment of impact when a Jeep clipped the car in front of it

Pictured, the Jeep as it started rolling over

The impact sent the Jeep flying into the air and the driver was thrown out onto the road while the car continued flipping

Pictured, the driver who was ejected from the crash

He could be seen walking towards the wreckage, and a man in the passenger seat was pulled to safety by witnesses who stopped to help

The two in the Jeep were treated in the hospital. The driver of the red car that was hit was not injured

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