ديزني تعيد شخصية Tangled في مسلسل جديد

أرشيف شبكة التأمل الإعلامية

نشر في: الأربعاء,18 يناير , 2017 10:39م

آخر تحديث: الأربعاء,18 يناير , 2017 10:39م

أعلنت شركة ديزني عودة شخصية الأميرة ريبانزل في مسلسل رسوم متحركة جديد بعنوان tangled:before ever after.
وستعود النجمة ماندي مور بالأداء الصوتي لريبانزل للمرة الثالثة بعد أدائها لصوت الشخصية الكارتونية مرتين من قبل خلال فلمين من إنتاج ديزني.
وسيتم عرض المسلسل على قناة ديزني الرسمية بعد انتهاء ماندي من تسجيل أغاني المسلسل باستوديوهات ديزني والتي شاركت في كتابة عدد منها.

Enchanted: Rapunzel's magical hair makes a comeback in a brand new sequel and television series starring Mandy Moore as the princess

She's back: Mandy Moore, pictured at the Golden Globes this month in Beverly Hills, has returned to the role of the long-haired fairy tale heroine after previously voicing the character for the Disney film Tangled and the short Tangled: Ever After

Her usual style: The fairy tale heroine initially had a head full of short brunette hair in the trailer

Spellbound: Rapunzel finds herself back with her long blonde hair after venturing off into the night

Panicked: The young princess can't believe her long blonde hair has grown back

Cut that out! The princess ordered a friend to chop off her hair 

'There shouldn't be any uh-ohs!' Rapunzel responds before laying her eyes on the broken scissors

'Surprise!' She shocks her love, Flynn Rider, with her new long locks 

No way: The news seems to stun Rapunzel's love, Flynn, whose jaw drops when he finally sees her long locks

'I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation': Flynn tries to find out how Rapunzel got the hair back 

'Thank you, for understanding': Rapunzel says quietly  

The mane attraction: The fairy tale princess scoops up her hair 

Leaping into action: Rapunzel swoops into action with the help of her hair

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