طفلة صغيرة تقلد المغنية تايلور سويفت بطريقة مذهلة

أرشيف شبكة التأمل الإعلامية

نشر في: الخميس,19 يناير , 2017 12:02ص

آخر تحديث: الخميس,19 يناير , 2017 12:02ص

كنت تريد لطفلك أن يكون أيقونة في الموسيقى فعليك أن تشجعه على الانطلاق منذ صغره.

ولقد أذهلت طفلة بريطانية حكام برنامج تلفزيوني في الفليبين مخصص للهواة الصغار بعد أداء حابس للأنفاس قلدت خلاله النجمة تايلور سويفت بطريقة رائعة.

زيا فيغور البالغة من العمر 7 سنوات فقط ، أدهشت بأزيائها وتقليدها لغناء ورقص على أغنية تايلور سويفت الشهيرة التي أطلقت عام 2008 You Belong With Me.

المغنية الصغيرة من إكزيتور /ديفون إرتدت زياً أبيض لعازفة بفرقة مشاة شبيه بذلك الذي إرتدته سويفت في كليبها الأساسي للأغنية، حتى أن الصغيرة غيرت الزي وفاجأت الجميع بشعرها المستعار.

ونال مقطع الفيديو المنشور لعرض الطفلة عدد مشاهدات منقطع النظير وصل إلى حدود ما يقارب المليون وثلاثمائة ألف مشاهدة

Star: British youngster Xiamara Vigor has wowed judges after an incredible performance impersonating Taylor Swift on a Philippine talent show

Drama: Half-way through her routine dancers tear off her white marching band uniform

New look: Xis is wearing a black and silver dress after the uniform is dragged off - and also unfurls her blonde wig

The seven-year-old's likeness to Taylor Swift, pictured performing the song in 2009, proved impressive

Xia is the daughter of British construction worker Alan Vigor and mother Christy,

Following: Xia is the daughter of British construction worker Alan Vigor and mother Christy, who is Filipino, and she has a huge following on social media, pictured

Child star: Xia Vigor, who is just seven years old, stunned with her pitch-perfect routine of Swift's 2008 hit You Belong With Me

Briton: The mini music mogul, originally from Exeter, Devon, was seen in a marching band uniform similar to the one worn in the original music video for the son

The clip has been viewed nearly one million times on YouTube where enthusiastic viewers praised the little star

The clip has been viewed nearly one million times on YouTube where enthusiastic viewers praised the little star

She took home a check for 300,000 Philippine pesos, which totals around $6,000 for winning the grand prize 

The clip has been viewed nearly one million times on YouTube where enthusiastic viewers praised the little star

Family: Xia is the daughter of British construction worker Alan Vigor and mother Christy, pictured together, who is Filipino. Xia is in the buggy and her older brother Liam is next to her

Message: As she received plaudits for her Swift routine Xia told fans today: ''I just did what I love to do and magical things started to happen'

Fame: The schoolgirl has won talent shows and now is the star of a TV series about a wealthy princess

Musician: Xia's father can play the guitar and has been filmed seranading his daughter

Dad: Her father Alan is a qualified civil engineer who has developed an extensive property portfolio in Exmouth (pictured together on Liam's birthday last year)

Success: Last year the seven-year-old became a national celebrity after being cast as Princess Chavez (pictured) in a hit Filipino TV show called Langit Lupa

Career launch: In 2015, she won the Philippines' Mini Me child talent competition for her rendition of Selena Gomez's 'Love You Like A Love Song' (pictured)

Xia is starring in a talent show series where children dress up and perform as famous adults (pictured with her young co-stars)

High profile: Xia stars in two talent shows and also a TV series so is used to attention despite her tender years


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