شاهد.. طفلة أندونيسية عمرها 24 عامًا!

أرشيف شبكة التأمل الإعلامية

نشر في: الإثنين,6 فبراير , 2017 1:52م

آخر تحديث: الإثنين,6 فبراير , 2017 1:52م

منع مرض نادر، فتاة تبلع من العمر 24 عامًا، من النمو بشكل سليم، وجعلها تبدو وكأنها طفلة في سنوات عمرها الأولى وتسير على كرسي متحرك.

يبلغ طول ساري ريزيتا، من مدينة جايا في أندونيسيا، ما يقرب من 87 سم، ووزنها لا يتخطى الـ20 كيلو.

ولم تتلق “ساري” العلاج في صغرها بسبب ظروف عائلتها المادية، وإقامتها في مدينة نائية لا توجد بها مستشفيات أو كوادر طبية مؤهلة

Sari is unable to walk and has to rely on her relatives to push her around in a wheelchair

Despite being an adult she acts like a child and also struggles to communicate verbally

Sari scrunches up her face as her mother washes her hair using water from a green bowl

In spite of her childlike appearance, Sari menstruates every month

Sari's body functions like an adult, and she asks her mother for toiletries and lipstick 

Sari's mother rubs her daughter's child-like face as the 24-year-old clings onto a wall

Sari's hands are slightly larger than a toddler's and appear more wrinkled

Clutching a hand bag and laughing, a little boy soffers Sari some bread at her home

The 24-year-old toddler sits on a bed surrounded by her toys and a Manchester United pillow

Someone holds up Sari's official documentation, showing she was born on October 16, 1993

Sari (right) leans against the wall at home as she plays with one of her siblings (left) 

Sari dressed in children's clothes in the background with a note proving her age - 24

The 24-year-old has a physical exam at home, which shows how small she really is

Sari is the second of five children and lives with her mother and sister in Indonesia

Sari struggles to communicate verbally other than a few simple words and sounds

Sari, who wasn't diagnosed until she was 13 years old,clutches a pole as she smiles

Sari is all smiles as she interacts with her family at home using what her mother describes as baby speak

Sari and her loving family at their home in Pidie Jaya, Indonesia

The 24-year-old toddler is pictured peering through some wood with her nails painted at home

Sari Rezita Ariyanti at home with her mother Suryani H Suud in Pidie Jaya, Indonesia

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