تصميم مبنى “أبل” الجديد على شكل سفينة فضائية

أرشيف شبكة التأمل الإعلامية

نشر في: السبت,11 فبراير , 2017 10:20ص

آخر تحديث: السبت,11 فبراير , 2017 10:22ص

عندما تفتتح آبل مقرها الجديد في مدينة كوبرتينو بولاية كاليفورنيا؛ سيتمكن الموظفون من استخدام مراحيض مشابهة لهواتف آيفون من حيث التصميم .

واستوحى المصمم الألماني، دي لا تور، التصميم الداخلي الجديد لمقر الشركة من منتجات “آبل”، فأزرار المصاعد تشبه “الزر الرئيسي” الخاص بأجهزة “آبل”، أما الزوايا الداخلية فتحاكي المنحنيات الخارجية للأجهزة، فيما جاءت تصاميم المراحيض بشكل أنيق يحاكي الآيفون، حيث يحتوي على أزرار تشبه أزرار الهاتف.

وأرجعت الشركة الأمريكية قرارها؛ إلى رغبتها بأن يبقى موظفوها على اتصال بمنتجات الشركة، حتى في أكثر اللحظات خصوصية داخل المرحاض.

والجدير بالذكر أن آبل بدأت تشييد مقرها الجديد منذ عام 2011 بتكلفة وصلت إلى 5 مليارات دولار، وبتصميم يشبه مركبة فضائية، ويتسع لحوالي 12 ألف موظف.

وقال التقرير إن “أبل” تصر في المقر الجديد على ربط موظفيها بمنتجات الشركة، حتى تجعلهم يفكرون دوما في كيفية تطويرها، الأمر الذي وصل بهم إلى تصميم المراحيض على شكل هواتف “آيفون”.

The Apple campus will have 360-degree curved glass fronted walls and central courtyard as well as a 1,000-seater auditorium, a gym and 300,000 square feet of 'research' space. Pictured is the most recent image of the site, taken on January 13

Its central office building - a massive ring of glass frequently likened to a spaceship - could be a challenge just to navigate. This image shows work progressing on the site, with the outer ring almost complete

The circular, four-storey building will be around a mile in circumference and a third of a mile wide and was recently described by the San Francisco Weekly as a ‘massive glass doughnut’

Apple acquired the campus from Hewlett-Packard, although little remains except an original century-old barn. Apple's in-house construction team enforced many rules: No vents or pipes could be reflected in the glass. Guidelines for the special wood used frequently throughout the building ran to some 30 pages

The new campus will be located at 1 Infinite Loop in Cupertino, which is part of the world-renowned Silicon Valley. Architect German de la Torre, who worked on the project, found many of the proportions - such as the curve of a rounded corner - came from Apple's products

What was most striking to those who worked on the project was Apple managers' insistence on treating the construction of the vast complex the same way they approach the design of pocket-sized electronics

Pictured is the cafeteria housed in a huge atrium. There are 59 skylights along the roof, allowing natural light to come inside, while giant glass doors open to let fresh air in

Apple Campus 2 will additionally have underground parking hidden from view, meaning 80 per cent of the site can be covered in trees

The company's keen design sense enhanced the project, but its expectations sometimes clashed with construction realities, a former architect said

Early in construction, Apple managers told the construction team that the ceiling - composed of large panels of polished concrete - should be immaculate inside and out, just as the inside of the iPhone's audio jack is a finished product

The Apple Campus 2 is seen under construction

And image of the roof reveals solar panels

Elsewhere underground, the auditorium will be where Apple's CEO Tim Cook will present the companies keynotes ahead of product launches, for example

Architects working on the building say that many of the proportions - such as the curve of a rounded corner - came from Apple's products

Much of the construction time has been spent in placing small tiles along the walls of one of the access tunnels

Natural gas will, primarily, provide the building's power and the local energy grid will only be accessed in emergencies

The futuristic new campus is very different to the old design

This room-sized mock-up of the planned Apple HQ was released in November 2013 before executives submitted their plans to the council. Pictured is an artist's impression

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