صور رائعة لنملة تحمل ثمرة من ورقة النبات

أرشيف شبكة التأمل الإعلامية

نشر في: الخميس,19 يوليو , 2018 7:21ص

آخر تحديث: الخميس,19 يوليو , 2018 11:33ص

Amazing balancing act: this ant carefully balances a hollow fruit on its feelers, giving the impression that it is lifting a great weight in the photographer's garden in West Java, Indonesia

This incredible ant shows he packs a whole load of muscle by lifting fruit above his head - just like Greek God, Atlas

Looking like a work of art, these ants show both their strength and their ability to work together

Photographer Eko Adiyanto, who captured the stunning snaps in his garden, said 'I am very lucky to have the images'

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