أعظم يخت في العالم مكون من 8 طوابق وفيه مهبط للطائرات

أرشيف شبكة التأمل الإعلامية

نشر في: الخميس,16 فبراير , 2017 10:00ص

آخر تحديث: الخميس,16 فبراير , 2017 8:55ص

كشف موقع “ميرور” البريطانيّ، النقابَ عن واحدٍ من أعظم اليخوت في العالم، حيث يبلغ طولُهُ 470 قدماً، مكوناً من ثمانيةِ طوابق وثلاثة هوائيّات ارتفاعها 195 قدماً، وقد أطلق عليه اسم “يخت A “، وهو لملياردير روسي.

وأوضح الموقع أنه بين الفن والحرفة، استغرقت عملية تصميم اليخت 5 سنوات، وهو واحد من أكبر اليخوت الشراعية في العالم، وبحسب ما تابعت وطن فسيعمل في عاصمة ولاية شمال ألمانيا “هولشتاين”.

وتم ربط الطوابق عن طريق المصاعد المتعددة وسلالم حلزونية حرة عائمة.

ووفقا لمتحدث باسم الملياردير الروسي صاحب الصناعة “أندريه ميلينخيكو”، فمن المقرر أن يرسل لصاحبه في أواخر الربيع المقبل، مؤكدا أنه خضع بالفعل لتجارب بحرية ناجحة على بحر البلطيق.

ويحتوي اليخت على ثلاثة صواري يمكن الوصول إليها من الداخل، ولا يحتاج البحارة إلى التسلق، بل يمكنهم التحكم فيها بلمسة زر واحدة، كما أن الصواري يمكن أن تدور لتحقيق أفضل استفادة ممكنة من الرياح، ويحتوي على جراج لأربع سيارات ومهبط للطائرات.

A coastguard tugboat looks like a toy next to the enormous Sailing Yacht A as it bobs in the sea off the coast of Gibraltar

The world's biggest yacht with masts that stand taller than London-icon Big Ben arrived into Gibraltar on February 15, 2017

A tanker in the background is absolutely dwarfed by the huge Sailing Yacht A which bobs in the water in Gibraltar

Lit up: The huge sailing yacht was seen at Nobiskrug shipyard on February 5 on its way to Spain for more sea trials

The yacht pulled into the harbour at dusk, showcasing its elegant green lighting for the first time

Previous sea tests had taken place in daylight hours so it was the first time the boat had been seen illuminated in green

Melnichenko is said to favour using the letter 'A' so that his vessels are listed first in shipping registers

Seen here on a previous test run, the yacht was impossible to miss thanks to its three 300ft masts which stand taller than Big Ben's tower

The 468ft-long vessel (right), owned by Russian billionaire Andrey Igorevich Melnichenko, was reportedly pulled out of the German Naval Yards in Kiel, north of Hamburg, by a tugboat on previous tests and it eventually built up a speed of 20 knots

Sailing Yacht A boasts eight floors - with a helicopter pad on one of the decks - and an underwater observation room 

The impressive superyacht turned heads as it dwarfed the other boats in the German harbour

It then captured the attention of photographers again as it sailed in Danish seas

Sailing Yacht A’s delivery was described as 'an iconic moment for all those involved' in its construction

After leaving Germany, the boat was seen on February 6, passing through Denmark on its way to Kristiansand in Norway

With a huge swimming pool and eight storeys 'Sailing Yacht A' is one of the world's largest sailing ships

The luxury sail-assisted motor yacht was seen passing Elsinore, North Sealand, in Denmark last Monday

The yacht has a high-tech digital control system operated using a touch sensitive sheet of black glass in the bridge

The luxury yacht, that was built at a shipbuilding yard near Hamburg, Germany, has masts that are 300ft high and is one of the world's largest sailing boats in the world

The sailing ship is owned by Russian billionaire Andrey Igorevich Melnichenko, who is believed to have paid £360million for the vessel

Cruise speed of the ship is 18mph, with a top speed of 24mph. The hull is made of steel, with a teak-finish deck

The epic vessel boasts a staggering eight decks and its keel incorporates one of the largest single pieces of curved glass ever made at 193 square feet and weighs a whopping 1.8 tons

Mr Melnichenko pictured with wife Aleksandra

Mr Melnichenko pictured with wife Aleksandra

Motor Yacht A was Andrey Melnichenko's first purchase, and now he has moved into the sailing side of the industry

Motor Yacht A was a behemoth of the seas in its own right, now Mr Melnichenko has another toy for his collection

Crowds gathered in northern Germany to catch a glimpse of the mega-yacht as it set on its maiden sail

The masts were prudced by Magma Structures based in Portsmouth, and were shipped out to the German port

An artist's impression gave the idea that the sailing yacht would dwarf other yachts - and so it has been proved

After months of preparation work, the Sailing Yacht A finally took to the seas in northern Germany

The original plans for Sailing Yacht A have become a reality for the wealthy Russian businessman


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