“ديلي ميل” تنشر صورًا مُسربة تكشف أسرار الراحلة “مارلين مونرو”

أرشيف شبكة التأمل الإعلامية

نشر في: الأحد,19 فبراير , 2017 5:00م

آخر تحديث: الأحد,19 فبراير , 2017 3:42م

نشرت صحيفة “ديلي ميل” البريطانية مجموعة من الصور لم تعرض من قبل للنجمة العالمية “مارلين مونرو” أرسلتها لصديقتها “فريدا هال” لتخبرها بحملها.

ويعد ذلك أحد الأسرار المهمة التي شاركتها مع صديقتها لعدة عقود، ولم يتم الإفصاح عنه لأحد وحينما شعرت أن وفاتها قد اقتربت أخبرت جارها “توم” عن حمل مونرو الذي أخفته عن العالم كله حتي تحصل علي لقب أم بأي ثمن ولكنها تعرضت لحادث فقدت فيه الجنين، وأخبرته بأن لديها صورًا مهمة تحوي أسرارًا كثيرة خفيت عن العالم لمدة 60 عامًا تقريباً.

وتمكن صديقها من التوصل إلي تلك الصور وأرسلها إلي شخص يهوي جمع الأشياء القديمة، واشتراها مقابل 2240 دولارًا أمريكيًا، ثم أرسلها للصحيفة البريطانية لتنشرها.

ولم تحمل مارلين من زوجها “أرثر ميللر” بل من الممثل الإيطالي الفرنسي يدعي “يفيس مونتد” الذي جمع بينهما تصوير أحد الأفلام.

Six photos of legendary film icon Marilyn Monroe taken by her friend Frieda Hull on July 8, 1960, outside Fox Studios in New York

The images clearly show a prominent bump from Monroe’s belly which Hull claimed was evidence the star was in the early stages of pregnancy

 Monroe had wanted a baby more than anything in the world, but that joy was denied her. She had three miscarriages prior to losing this baby, all of which played out in the public eye

 The images were the prized possession of Hull, who died in 2014

Hull (circled) , who worked for Pan Am,  became close to the star while part of a group of fans known as the Monroe Six who followed the star from place to place, here the star boarding a plane for Hollywood at Idlewild Airport in New York on February 25, 1956. One of the images in this set way signed by Marilyn: 'To Frieda Love & Kisses'

But by the beginning of July the star has a visible baby bump

Tony Michaels (left) purchased six photos of the film icon Marilyn Monroe taken by his friend and neighbor Frieda Hull (right)

Marilyn carried a coat in front of her belly after Frieda took the 'pregnant slides.;

'I would never, I couldn’t capitalize on Marilyn’s death she was my friend,' Frieda told Tony. Her photos and memorobilia of Marilyn was sold as part of her esate when she passed away

The camera with which Frieda snapped her pictures of Marilyn

Tony says that Frieda believed that when Marilyn went to hospital for ten days during the filming of The Misfits, it wasn't for acute exhaustion as was claimed at the time, it was for a nervous breakdown and possibly a miscarriage

Speaking from his home in Las Vegas, the high stakes casino croupier told DailyMail.com: ‘I met Frieda over the wall in my back yard around 20 years ago around 1996, she was a neighbor and I introduced myself, she introduced herself and I invited her over for a prize fight

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