بالصور إسرائيل تصنع أول سيارة تطير فى الهواء

أرشيف شبكة التأمل الإعلامية

نشر في: الجمعة,28 أبريل , 2017 3:27م

آخر تحديث: الجمعة,28 أبريل , 2017 3:27م

اعلنت اسرائيل عن انتهائها من  صنع السيارة  الطائرة الأولى في العالم والتي قامت بعرضها أمام عدد من وسائل الإعلام الغربية و هي سيارة تسير على الشارع وتطير بين البنايات ومأمونة وقد تمت تجربتها بنجاح.

وتقول المصادر الإسرائيلية انه ربما سيتم تسويها في العالم العام المقبل ، وهي سيارة متعددة الإستخدامات ، فبالإضافة الى امكانية استخدامها من قبل الجمهور فهي ايضا ستكون اداة جديدة للإنقاذ كسيارة اسعاف لتفادي الإزدحامات المرورية واشارات المرور ، كما ستساعد في اخلاء الجرحى والمصابين في حالات الطواري وتتميز بأنها لا مراوح ظاهرة لها يمكن ان تتسبب في حوادث او مشاكل كما انها سهلة القيادة والحركة .

The radical design uses enclosed fans, allowing it to land and take off in enclosed spaces. Although initial versions will have a pilot, future craft will be able to fly themselves.

A flying ambulance has successfully completed its first ever autonomous flight. Dubbed the Cormorant, this vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft is designed to carry 1,000 pounds every 31 miles, allowing it to deliver suppliers to war zones and carry wounded soldiers to safety

The Cormorant was developed the Israeli firm Tactical Robotics, a subsidiary of the 'Fancraft' technology pioneer Urban Aeronautics, who has conducted more than 200 flights with this military machine. This test flight (pictured), which was carried out on November 3, was the first time the Cormorant took to the skies over uneven terrain while piloting itself

 Engineers designed the craft with a Flight Management System (FMS), which lets it to make 'split second decisions' if any of its sensors detect a problem during a mission. The craft will then make the judgment call on its own - it decides between continuing the journey, retreating home or making an immediate landing to wait for further instructions

 Two instances were related to height above ground over the field (resulting from inaccuracies in laser beam return over uneven terrain and ground conditions). The third event occurred over the tarmac, which was caused by 'poor judgment' on the part of the Flight Control System (FCS), causing the aircraft to descend too early in its landing approach

The craft flies itself using an array of laser altimeters, radars and sensors, and it is capable of reaching speeds of 100 knots (115 mph) and operate at altitudes of up to 18,000 feet

It weighs about one-ton and can be operated with a specially made remote control or by using its own autonomous control system

 Earlier this year, the Cormorant, which was known as the 'AirMule' at the time, hit a milestone that allowed it to successfully complete its autonomous flight. In January, the craft performed its first ever untethered flight, which it demonstrated a vertical takeoff and landing, followed by stability checks and forward flights at low speeds


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