بالصور أزمة حريق لندن تتفاقم وآلاف البريطانيين في الشوارع يطالبون بالعدالة

أرشيف شبكة التأمل الإعلامية

نشر في: الأحد,18 يونيو , 2017 2:27م

آخر تحديث: الأحد,18 يونيو , 2017 2:27م


بدأت القصص المأساوية تتسرب من كارثة #الحريق الذي التهم برجاً سكنياً في غرب العاصمة البريطانية لندن فجر الأربعاء، حيث تبين أن أمهات يائسات ألقين بـ أطفالهن من #النوافذ قبل أن يستسلمن للنار التي التهمتهن.

وكانت بريطانيا قد استيقظت الأربعاء على أنباء الحريق الهائل الذي التهم برج “غرينفيل” في غربي لندن، والمكون من 27 طابقاً، فيما قالت الشرطة وفرق الإنقاذ إن الحادث انتهى بمقتل 17 شخصاً، وإصابة 30 آخرين، من بينهم حالات خطيرة، إلا أن هذا العدد مرشح للارتفاع خلال الأيام القادمة، بينما تقول بعض التقارير إن الحصيلة النهائية لهذه الفاجعة قد تحتاج لأسابيع حتى تظهر، وذلك بسبب وجود عدد كبير من المفقودين، وعدد كبير أيضاً من الجثث المتفحمة التي ما زالت داخل البرج الذي يسكنه عدد يتراوح بين 400 و600 شخص.

وقالت جريدة “التايمز” إن عدداً من الأمهات اضطررن بيأس إلى إلقاء أطفالهن من النوافذ أملاً في إنقاذهن، فيما تمكن الشهود الذين تواجدوا حول البناية التي تحترق من إنقاذ طفل واحد على الأقل عبر التقاطه من أمه التي كان الدخان يقترب منها، ولم يُعرف إن كانت قد تمكنت من النجاة بعده أم لا.

ونقلت “التايمز” عن إحدى شهود العيان وتُدعى سميرة العمراني قولها إن رجلاً ركض بسرعة وتمكن من التقاط الطفل الرضيع بواسطة شرشف”، وذلك بعد أن كانت الأم اليائسة قد أطلت برأسها من إحدى النوافذ وصرخت بالناس أنها تريد إلقاء طفلها الرضيع قبل أن يختنق.

وتؤكد “التايمز” أن شهود العيان رأوا العديد من الآباء والأمهات يلقون بأطفالهم من النوافذ خوفاً عليهم من النار أو الدخان ، إلا أن الصحيفة تشير الى أن عدد الأطفال الذين تم إلقاؤهم لا يزال غير معروف.

وقالت العمراني: “الأطفال كانت أصواتهم متعالية وكانوا يصرخون من أجل إنقاذ حياتهم، هذه الأصوات سأظل أتذكرها لمدة طويلة”.

وبحسب سيدة تُدعى تمارا تحدثت لوسائل إعلام محلية في لندن فإنها تقول: “كان هناك الكثير من الناس في البرج يلقون بأطفالهم من النوافذ وهم يصرخون: أنقذوا أطفالي”.

وقال طالب في السابعة عشرة من عمره كان شاهداً على الحريق إنه رأى بعينه أشخاصاً يتساقطون من نوافذ الطابق الـ15، مشيراً إلى أن “المشهد كان شبيهاً بمشاهد أحداث الحادي عشر من سبتمبر.

وأضاف الطالب ويُدعى تياغو إيتيني إنه رأى ثلاثة أطفال تتراوح أعمارهم بين أربع سنوات وثمانية سنوات، وقد تم إلقاؤهم من النوافذ نحو الحشود المتوقفة أسفل البرج بينما كانت النيران تلتهم المكان. وتابع: “أشكر الله أن الحشود أسفل البرج تمكنوا من الإمساك بهم، ولم أتأكد إن كان من التقطوهم في الأسفل أناس عاديون أم أنهم من رجال الإنقاذ”.

يشار إلى أن السلطات في لندن بدأت التحقيق في أسباب الحريق، فيما هرعت رئيسة الوزراء تيريزا ماي إلى مكان اندلاع الحريق، في الوقت الذي تصاعدت فيه وتيرة الانتقادات للحكومة البريطانية وإجراءات السلامة التي يُفترض أن تتوافر في مثل هذه الأماكن.

A minute's silence will be held to remember the victims of the Grenfell tragedy. Pictured, a woman lays flowers at the scene of the fire

The Prime Minister said there had been 'huge frustrations' on the ground as people struggled to find information

A minute's silence will be held to remember the victims of the Grenfell tragedy. Pictured, tributes outside Notting Hill Methodist Church  

Residents spoke of the council’s failure to co-ordinate the humanitarian response. People's shock quickly turned to anger yesterday after protesters took to the streets of central London

Search and rescue personnel are pictured on the very top floor of the Grenfell Tower. the grim search for bodies continues

After tragedy upon tragedy, it was left to the Queen to try to make sense of it all while others, including Theresa May (pictured leaving St Clement's Church close to Grenfell Tower), facing growing criticism for their mishandling of the disaster

Her Majesty met with heroic firefighters during a visit to Westway Sports Centre, which is providing temporary shelter for those who have been made homeless

A man holds up a missing person poster during the visit by the Queen. 30 people are confirmed dead while another 28 are missing

Grenfell Tower: Woman who waved flag is identified

Demonstrators shout outside Kensington Town Hall, during a protest on Friday following the fire that destroyed The Grenfell Tower block. 

Demonstrators held up banners during the March in Westminster. There are growing demands for answers as to how the tragedy could have happened

Campaigners are pressing for a rapid ‘interim investigation’ to give residents key answers, without having to wait ‘years’ for a public inquiry to conclude

A demonstrator pictured during the march in Westminster. Grief-stricken residents have spoken of the Kensington and Chelsea Borough Council's failure to co-ordinate the humanitarian response

Community organiser Pilgrim Tucker said: ‘There’s been no coordination at all. I have not seen a single council officer at the scene. Where are the authorities?

Residents and supporters seen on street around the scene of the Grenfell Tower fire disaster ahead of a vigil on FridayMembers of the community are demanding justice from the authorities and alternative accommodation for the people affected

'Three days after a tower block of sleeping people turned into a flaming torch in the sky, people have had enough' 

'The best Sadiq Khan could come up with was a letter, posted on Twitter, which tried to lay the blame at the door of the PM'

A woman is consoled close to Grenfell Tower after the devastated fire that killed dozens

A local resident weeps close to Grenfell Tower, a 24-storey apartment block in North Kensington

A council worker erupted with fury this evening at a meeting for victims to discuss legal options after the Grenfell Tower fire

A painstaking recovery effort has been taking place at the gutted tower, with authorities predicting the death toll is likely to rise considerably

Protesters earlier marched from Kensington Town Hall back to Grenfell Tower in memory of the victims

Many bunches of flowers were left next to the missing signs and tea lights for the victims of the tragedy 

London has a chronic housing shortage even in the best of times, and those left homeless by the fire - already angry over what they see as government inequity and incompetence - fear being forced out of the British capital

The Grenfell Tower housed about 600 people in 120 apartments. It has been reported that some 70 people are still missing after the fire

The fire, which started just before 1 a.m. Wednesday, surprised many as they slept and the speed with which it spread shocked fire experts

A man at the scene told witnesses that his fridge exploded on the seventh floor in the early hours of Wednesday morning. The first calls were placed to emergency services at 12.54am and fire fighters arrived six minutes later

Despite the rapid response time, the building was well alight by the time rescuers arrived, with some saying it went up 'like tissue paper'. Questions are being asked about whether the cladding was to blame

On the ground there was fury at what residents described as 'mass murder' telling police and councillors that cost cutting was to blame for the deaths of those inside the block

At least five people jumped to their deaths from the building, rather than consign themselves to the fate that awaited them inside. Parents threw their children in the hope of saving them as their screams rang out from inside

Such was the desperation of people trapped inside by the smoke and flames that they even tried to construct makeshift parachutes from bin bags. One constructed a 30ft rope out of bedsheets

As a plume of toxic smoke rose into the sky from the tower, pieces of burning building rained into the street below, covering the surrounding streets with charred rubble 

Police had to stop relatives running into the inferno to save their loved ones, thought witnesses said it wasn't possible to stop everyone. Onlookers were injured by rubble falling into the streets

Twelve hours after the fire started it was still burning deep inside the block as emergency services warned that nobody on the top three floors is thought to have survived the blaze

The remains of a family's kitchen table and chairs were visible through the burned out walls of one of the flats today

There are real fears that that nobody who lived on the top three residential floors may have survived the unprecedented fire 

A brave firefighter is pictured inside the burnt remains of the 27-storey building, as efforts are made to investigate what caused the blaze 

Desperate residents scream for help in this photograph taken in the early minutes before the fire swamped the entire building

Desperate people caught in the upper floors used phone lights to signal their distress, while a woman on the 9th floor threw her baby out - which was caught in a blanket

'The politicians will tell us lessons will be learned and changes will be made to prevent future disasters like this one. But lessons need to be learned about how to handle tragedy and disaster, too'

'Family and friends have been begging for the register of names of the people known to have been living in the tower so that they can subtract the known survivors and calculate how many are missing'


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